Premium 30 day job postingPost a job for 30 days, and have it displayed at the top of the job search page with a colored bar for improved visibility.
Single 30 day job postingPost a job for 30 days.
Bundle of three 30-day job postingsPost 3 jobs for 30 days
Single 60 day job postingPost a job for 60 days
Premium 60 day job postingPost a job for 60 days, and have it displayed at the top of the job search page with a colored bar for improved visibility.
Bundle of three 60-day job postingsPost 3 jobs for 60 days
Featured Employer StatusHaving your ministry's logo appear in the Featured Employer section of the Christian Charity Jobs website is a great way to create further awareness around your ministry's need to hire, particularly when hiring for hard-to-fill positions! *(Note: job posting not included).
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Featured 30 day job postingA single 30 day job posting that is visible on the Christian Charity Jobs Homepage for maximum exposure.
Board Member Volunteer posting - 30 dayPost a volunteer board member position for 30 days
Board Member Volunteer posting - Premium 30 dayPost a volunteer board member position for 30 days and have it displayed at the top of the job search page with a colored bar for improved visibility.
Board Member Volunteer posting - 60 dayPost a volunteer board member position for 60 days
Board Member Volunteer posting - Premium 60 dayPost a volunteer board member position for 60 days and have it displayed at the top of the job search page with a colored bar for improved visibility.