Volunteer Board Director

Sanctuary Ministries of Toronto | Toronto, ON, Canada

Posted Date 1/15/2025



Sanctuary Toronto is looking to bring on 2-4 new volunteers to join our diverse Board of Directors in 2025.

We are especially interested in new volunteer directors that have the following:

  • Front-line experience working with marginalized and indigenous folks in an urban context
  • Board governance experience
  • Legal/Policy/Compliance expertise
  • Medical expertise, including Street Medicine 
  • General senior management experience

Term: Minimum one-year term

Location: Ideally directors are located in the GTHA, able to attend occasional in-person board meetings in Downtown Toronto. 

Application timeline: While applications will be rolling, ideally we would like to have interests candidates submit their expression of interest by Friday, February 21, 2025. 

About Sanctuary

Who We Are

At Sanctuary, we are becoming a healthy, welcoming community where people who are poor or excluded are particularly valued. This community is an expression of the good news embodied in Jesus Christ.

Our faith and relationship with God inform us in identifying the following as some of our core values:

  • Dignity: We believe that each person is created in the image of God and, as such, has the right to be treated with the utmost dignity.
  • Mutuality: We come to our relationships recognizing that each person has gifts to be shared and gifts to be received.
  • Inclusivity: We intend that our community at Sanctuary will be as inclusive as Jesus was in his life.

The words we often use to describe ourselves are “community” and “family.” Our staff and those they serve “do life” together. It can be challenging, complicated and messy. We find that it’s also enlivening, fulfilling, and deeply meaningful. 

Each of our team, including the Board, is committed to viewing ourselves first and foremost as members of the community. By joining us you will become an important part of our close-knit community. We hope that you will feel at home here, that you will be with us for the long haul.

What we do

Street Outreach

Some of our outreach work looks like traditional street outreach. We walk the streets, mostly in the downtown eastside, offering water, socks, snacks, healthcare supplies, and an invitation to stop by Sanctuary sometime for a meal or a chat. We do this at varied times throughout the week.

Our team also offers a lot of support to people who are already connected to our community. This can include: accompanying people to appointments as a friend or advocate; visiting people in the hospital or jail; and helping people find housing, addressing issues with a landlord, or moving.

Community Meals

The main purpose of community meals is to offer space to build healthy, life-giving relationships. We offer two hearty meals per week prepared by a crew of paid volunteers from our community. Overall, our meals offer some respite from the harsh realities of poverty and houselessness.

Community members can also access medical care at our clinic, WiFi, computers, shower facilities, and personal care items. Advocacy and referrals are also available along with pastoral care, and books, clothing, and medical supplies.

Health Clinic

Most people who are street-involved face significant barriers to accessing healthcare in hospitals or other institutional settings. In some cases, this is because they have had traumatic experiences in institutions like residential schools, detention centres, or hospitals. In other cases, they have mental health or addiction challenges that make it very difficult to go through the steps required to access health care. Sanctuary’s clinic strives to lessen these difficulties by offering care in the context of a welcoming, non-judgmental community where people feel safe. The clinic is staffed with nurses, and a volunteer doctor is available during meal drop-ins.

Art Studio Drop-in & "Night at Grace’s"

We believe that everyone in our community has gifts and talents that should be called forth and encouraged to flourish. A variety of programming in visual arts, drama and creative writing strives to recognize the needs of every person as a whole. Art plays an important role in the life of our community, providing a means for self-expression,self-realization and human connection.

Night at Grace’s is a regular community celebration of art, theatre, and music that happens several times a year.

Women’s Group

Most of the people in our community, and on the street, are men. At the same time, homelessness and poverty present unique dangers and challenges for women, particularly increased risk of domestic and sexual violence. In recognition of that, we host a group each week where women can rest and connect. Most weeks we relax, snack, and chat while painting our nails or working on crafts. We also do special activities as a group including preparing holiday meals, going to the movies, or playing bingo!


We are a Christian community where all people are welcome, particularly people who are poor and excluded. Our Sunday services contain a wide spectrum of believers and beliefs. Our unity is in our shared faith in Christ as expressed through love and justice for the poor. We work to remain particularly conscious of the ways that many people have been harmed by Christianity. 

Note: Historically, there have been many aspects and activities that have formed the life of our community. During the past few years, Covid-19 has altered what we were able to do. Some of the following activities have not occurred during Covid-19, but at this time we are striving to get back to some of these as restrictions are relaxed.

To learn more about Sanctuary, please visit our website: https://www.sanctuarytoronto.org/

Expectations of Directors

  1. Be committed to and champion the work of Sanctuary – become informed on the programs, services and organizational matters and participate in discussion and decisions at Board meetings
  2. Attend regular Board meetings (approximately 4-6x per year, 2-2.5 hrs) and the Annual General Meeting (AGM) - come prepared by reading pre-read materials. Note: These may be virtual, hybrid or in-person meetings.
  3. Support the events of Sanctuary - where possible, attend and promote events
  4. Read, understand and uphold Sanctuary’s bylaws and policies; review minutes, reports and contracts

How to express interest

If you're interested in finding out more, please send the following to Simon Beck (Executive Director, simonbeck@sanctuarytoronto.ca):

  1. Letter of Intent: Briefly outlining why you're interested and highlight key expertise, experiences or skills you would like to offer our Board
  2. Resume
Ministry Focus
Parachurch - other
Employment Status
Governance board member | Volunteer
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